The iOX story

2006 – Clinical Guard Co-Founding

Yale co-founds Clinical Guard medical device distributor in Atlanta, bringing affordable pulse oximeter, nebulizers, fetal Doppler, and pregnancy and ovulation test strips onto the market. Clinical Guard has helped millions of customers with their affordable medical device needs

2008 – Affordability Crisis Spurs Action

Hearing the stories of customers affected by the financial crisis, Yale decides to start Safe Heart USA, inc. to bring affordable high quality medical devices to the market, starting with the original product, iOximeter. It will take five years to launch the first iOximeter, in 2013 through a successful Indiegogo campaign

2019 – If I Knew It Would Take So Long…

 iOX finally receives FDA clearance 10 years after the idea was born. IOximeter V3 is brought to the market. Taking lessons from building this product, Safe Heart helps other medical hardware companies make their dream products a reality

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